Progress Point is an institute of enthusiasts that has developed a research-based educational program created after surveys & psychological anlysis. This program is for every student who would be the foundation stone in building the nation. We have categorized ninety problems after doing extensive survey research and anlyzing every parameter, which is evidently present for every aspiring student in any competition. These ninety problems are the root cause for not achieving the success/desir...Read more
Progress Point is an institute of enthusiasts that has developed a research-based educational program created after surveys & psychological anlysis. This program is for every student who would be the foundation stone in building the nation. We have categorized ninety problems after doing extensive survey research and anlyzing every parameter, which is evidently present for every aspiring student in any competition. These ninety problems are the root cause for not achieving the success/desired success. Progress point provides online and offline academic classes by the countrys best and most experienced faculties. We also offer Admission consultancy and carrier counseling programs for the best solution to students problems.
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